G53 Network's Financial Literacy Research
    Boot Camp | June 22 - 27, 2025

    Application Deadline: April 7, 2025


    Links Between Puzzles in
    Household Finance: Evidence
    from Employee Benefit Choices

    Adam Leive, UC Berkeley

  • Working Paper Series

    Is School-Based Financial Education
    Effective? Immediate and Long-Lasting
    Impacts on Students and Teachers

    Veronica Frisancho

  • Working Paper Series

    Crowdsourcing Peer Information
    to Change Spending Behavior

    Francesco D’Acunto, Alberto G. Rossi, and Michael Weber

  • Welcome to the

    G53 Financial Literacy and Personal
    Finance Research Network

The G53 Network: Connecting researchers. Expanding impact. Enabling solutions.

The G53 Financial Literacy and Personal Finance Research Network (G53 Network) connects top scholars around the world to facilitate the exchange of ideas, promote evidence-based research, and meet the growing urgency for data-driven solutions.

Financial literacy was recently recognized as a distinct academic field of study with its own Journal of Economic Literature code: G53. Inspired by this code, the G53 Financial Literacy and Personal Finance Research Network is named the “G53 Network.” The network also launched with 53 top researchers dedicated to producing high-quality, rigorous academic research on financial literacy, financial education, personal finance and related topics.

Why now? The field has been growing exponentially over the last decade and its importance has been increasingly recognized. At the same time, the need for financial literacy and personal finance research has never been greater. The new global challenges, such as those raised by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, demand joint effort to inform policy and programs and to find ways to empower people to achieve better life outcomes.

The network provides opportunities to disseminate groundbreaking research through a working paper series, to organize conferences and seminars, and to promote mentoring and training programs to build the next generation of researchers.

Visit this website regularly for new content, research, news and details of upcoming events.

Let’s stay connected on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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